My goal this year is to achieve higher than a 95 % in this class, in order to do so i need to tackle every assignment fully and thoroughly, to do that i must be organized and focused throughout the year. so far i have focused my organizational skills and i am making sure that all of my work is done at least a day before it was assigned!
i am actually looking forward to HL English this year and i hope it will be as enjoyable as it is difficult, this year is no year for jokes and i am really bringing my A-Game, 110% every time, the real question is, are you ready?
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Biology Notes:
New Unit 5: Anatomy and Physiology
April 27th quiz- may 12th dissection!
Email about lab
side notes – cells -> tissue-> organs-> organisms
1. Respiratory system- provides oxygen or O2 for cellular respiration and removes CO2 A.K.A carbon dioxide from the body.
Parts in the Respiratory system:
Air sacks
lungs : an organ that functions w. gas exchange in the atmosphere
bronchi: 2 tubes branching from the trachea
Bronchioles: tiny branches off the bronchi in the lungs
Trachea: the windpipes- a tube leading from the Pharynx to the bronchi
Nose/Mouth:-opening to take in o2 and breath out co2
Larynx: voice box
Pharynx: an area of the throat between the mouth and trachea
Air Sacs: an organ of gas exchange that opens off trachea
Alveoli: very small air sacs at the end of each bronchiole
the way we take in air, it first goes into our nose mouth-> trachea-> bronchi-> alveoli-> capillares-> rbc (red blood cells)
pulmonary- lungs
Cool Fact- 3 days w/o water-3 mins without air- 3 weeks without food
P. 958- 957
Circulatory system- fights infections, removes cell waste, and helps to regulate body temperature.
Parts- heart, veins, arteries, blood, capillaries, blood vessels.
Functions: 1. heart- a muscular organ that pumps blood through an organism
Contains 4 chambers
2. veins- a blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart.
3. arteries- carry oxygenated from the heart to the body.
4. blood- a liquid that functions as an exchange medium b/w an organism and its environment. Job bring nutrients, oxygen, hormones to cells
5. capillaries- microscopic blood vessels having thin walls through which gas and nutrients exchange
6. blood vessels- carry blood
cool fact
-circulate comes from a word that means “to circle”- blood circulate(circles) the body
it takes__one minute________ for blood to go around (circulate) your body
p. 945 pict of your heart p. 892
Digestive System- converts food into simpler molecules that can be used by cells or the body.
parts- esophagus, large intestine, small intestine, liver, rectum, stomach, mouth. Pharynx.
Function: mouth- uses saliva and teeth to break down food into a digestible size digestion starts here
Pharynx-An area of the throat b/w the mouth and the esophagus.
Esophagus- a tube that connects the mouth H-4 to the stomach
Stomach- a hollow organ that receives food.
Liver- secretes a digestive juice called bile, it is required for the digestion of fats.
Small intestine- locate db/w the stomach and colon, where most chemical digestion occurs, nutrients are absorbed in the lining
Large intestine:- located b/w the small intestine and rectum, absorbs water from the indigestible food
Rectum- at the end of the large intestine
Cool fact:- molecules of life: lipids, proteins, carbs and h20, digestive comes from the word that means to divide.
When food is digested it is divided into smaller parts
1 minute to chew
2-3 seconds to swallow
2-4 hours to digest
1-4 hours for absorption 10 hours to several days until defecation
p.979 (digestive system)
Endocrine system- controls growth development and metabolism
Parts- ovaries(in females) testes (in males) hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, pancreas.
testes- the male gonads that produce sperm and the male sex hormone testosterone.
Ovaries- female reproductive organ produces estrogen (required for the development of eggs) and progesterone (prepare the uterus for the fertilized eggs)
Hypothalamus- a region in the brain that controls many of the body’s internal activity, such as maintaining homeostasis
Pituitalary- a small gland @ the base of the brain that secretes hormones affecting all other endocrine gland.
Adrenals- a gland located above each kidney that secretes corticord hormones and adrenalin (fight or flight) helps the body deal w/stress
Thyroid- a gland on the trachea that secretes thyroxine, which regulates metabolism.
Parathyroid’s- 4 small endocrine glands on the surface of the thyroid that produces para-thyroid hormones. Helps regulate Ca levels in the body.
Pancreas – an organ that secretes enzymes for intestinal digestion as well as hormones insulin and glycogon- which help regulate the level of glucose
Facts -> has no ducts: hormones it produces are released directly into the blood stream.
p. 998 – drawing
5 lymphatic/ immune system
parts: wbc, lymph nodes, lymph vessels , thymus, spleen
wbc- any one of several colorless cells that function in protecting an organism against infection. Job- helps to protect the body from diseases.
Lymphnodes- is swelling in the lymph vessels where disease organisms are removed by WBC
Lymph vessels- a networks of thin walled vessels in which excess tissue fluid is connected and drained away job- to collect fluid lost from blood vessels and return the fluid to the circulatory system.
4. Thymus a gland located beneath the breast bone that helps establish the immune in juveniles
Spleen- filters out worn out red, white, blood cells and platelets- help clot your blood
Fact: when you have a cold or any other infection the lymph nodes in your neck or groin or under your arm may swell as lymphocytes fight germs called “swollen glands”
Integumentary system
Parts skin hair nails
Skin- serves as a barrier against infection and injury
Hair- provides protection from ultraviolet radiator (uv) sun.
Nail- protect end of fingers and toes
Cool fact -> skin is the largest organ in your body
- Drawing p.934 skin diagram, p.892
Excretory system – eliminates waste products from the body, in ways that maintain homeostasis
Parts: kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra, ureter, large intestine.
Kidney -> an organ that removes nitrogen waste from the blood.
Urinary bladder -> a hollow organ that stores your urine.
Ureter -> tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder.
Urethra- a tube that carries urine from your bladder.
Large intestine -> refer to digestive system definition
O O - kidney (lol diagram)
I I - ureter
O -Urinary bladder
I -urethra
Muscular system:
3 parts-> cardiac, skeletal, smooth muscle.
Skeletal muscles- works w/ skeletal system and produces voluntary movements are striated
Smooth- non striated muscles found in many internal organs like the stomach, intestine, and blood vessels.
Help circulate blood and move food through the digestive track
Involuntary- the move w/o you telling them.
cardiac- the muscle that makes up the heart: involuntary
cardio- heart
fact:- there are 640 skeletal muscles in your body
Nervous System- recognizes and coordinates the body’s response to changes.
3 parts => brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves
brain: acts as the control center for your body processes
spinal cord: nerves that extend down your backbone and transmits info to and from the brain.
Peripheral nerves: nerve cells that are not part of the brain or spinal cord.
receives signals from the limbs (arms and legs) and transmits info to the spinal cord.
CNS = central nervous system
Fact: N/A
drawing p. 892
Parts- bone, tendons, ligaments, cartilage.
Bones- job to support the body and protect internal organs, provide a site for blood cell formation
hard and inflexible material
Cartilage- stronger flexible material
Ligament- though fibers tissue joining bones @ a joint
Job- allow movement
Tendons- strong fiber tissue attaching muscles to bone
Fact- you actually grow as much as one inch a night, the bones in the pine move apart.
Random information
Erythrocyte- aka RBC- carries O2 to tissues
Leukocyte- aka WBC lack hemoglobin and are used to fight foreign objects in your body.
Bronchitis: inflammation of the main air passage in the lungs – cough up mucus
Laryngitis- swelling and inflammation (irritation) of the voice look- usually associated w/hoarseness or loss of voice
Cardi- cardio- heart
Hyp- hypo- under, beneath, less than normal, hyper- above, excessive
4 pathogens of life something that harms your body
-protizoan- amibias k-
Biology Notes:
New Unit 5: Anatomy and Physiology
April 27th quiz- may 12th dissection!
Email about lab
side notes – cells -> tissue-> organs-> organisms
1. Respiratory system- provides oxygen or O2 for cellular respiration and removes CO2 A.K.A carbon dioxide from the body.
Parts in the Respiratory system:
Air sacks
lungs : an organ that functions w. gas exchange in the atmosphere
bronchi: 2 tubes branching from the trachea
Bronchioles: tiny branches off the bronchi in the lungs
Trachea: the windpipes- a tube leading from the Pharynx to the bronchi
Nose/Mouth:-opening to take in o2 and breath out co2
Larynx: voice box
Pharynx: an area of the throat between the mouth and trachea
Air Sacs: an organ of gas exchange that opens off trachea
Alveoli: very small air sacs at the end of each bronchiole
the way we take in air, it first goes into our nose mouth-> trachea-> bronchi-> alveoli-> capillares-> rbc (red blood cells)
pulmonary- lungs
Cool Fact- 3 days w/o water-3 mins without air- 3 weeks without food
P. 958- 957
Circulatory system- fights infections, removes cell waste, and helps to regulate body temperature.
Parts- heart, veins, arteries, blood, capillaries, blood vessels.
Functions: 1. heart- a muscular organ that pumps blood through an organism
Contains 4 chambers
2. veins- a blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart.
3. arteries- carry oxygenated from the heart to the body.
4. blood- a liquid that functions as an exchange medium b/w an organism and its environment. Job bring nutrients, oxygen, hormones to cells
5. capillaries- microscopic blood vessels having thin walls through which gas and nutrients exchange
6. blood vessels- carry blood
cool fact
-circulate comes from a word that means “to circle”- blood circulate(circles) the body
it takes__one minute________ for blood to go around (circulate) your body
p. 945 pict of your heart p. 892
Digestive System- converts food into simpler molecules that can be used by cells or the body.
parts- esophagus, large intestine, small intestine, liver, rectum, stomach, mouth. Pharynx.
Function: mouth- uses saliva and teeth to break down food into a digestible size digestion starts here
Pharynx-An area of the throat b/w the mouth and the esophagus.
Esophagus- a tube that connects the mouth H-4 to the stomach
Stomach- a hollow organ that receives food.
Liver- secretes a digestive juice called bile, it is required for the digestion of fats.
Small intestine- locate db/w the stomach and colon, where most chemical digestion occurs, nutrients are absorbed in the lining
Large intestine:- located b/w the small intestine and rectum, absorbs water from the indigestible food
Rectum- at the end of the large intestine
Cool fact:- molecules of life: lipids, proteins, carbs and h20, digestive comes from the word that means to divide.
When food is digested it is divided into smaller parts
1 minute to chew
2-3 seconds to swallow
2-4 hours to digest
1-4 hours for absorption 10 hours to several days until defecation
p.979 (digestive system)
Endocrine system- controls growth development and metabolism
Parts- ovaries(in females) testes (in males) hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, pancreas.
testes- the male gonads that produce sperm and the male sex hormone testosterone.
Ovaries- female reproductive organ produces estrogen (required for the development of eggs) and progesterone (prepare the uterus for the fertilized eggs)
Hypothalamus- a region in the brain that controls many of the body’s internal activity, such as maintaining homeostasis
Pituitalary- a small gland @ the base of the brain that secretes hormones affecting all other endocrine gland.
Adrenals- a gland located above each kidney that secretes corticord hormones and adrenalin (fight or flight) helps the body deal w/stress
Thyroid- a gland on the trachea that secretes thyroxine, which regulates metabolism.
Parathyroid’s- 4 small endocrine glands on the surface of the thyroid that produces para-thyroid hormones. Helps regulate Ca levels in the body.
Pancreas – an organ that secretes enzymes for intestinal digestion as well as hormones insulin and glycogon- which help regulate the level of glucose
Facts -> has no ducts: hormones it produces are released directly into the blood stream.
p. 998 – drawing
5 lymphatic/ immune system
parts: wbc, lymph nodes, lymph vessels , thymus, spleen
wbc- any one of several colorless cells that function in protecting an organism against infection. Job- helps to protect the body from diseases.
Lymphnodes- is swelling in the lymph vessels where disease organisms are removed by WBC
Lymph vessels- a networks of thin walled vessels in which excess tissue fluid is connected and drained away job- to collect fluid lost from blood vessels and return the fluid to the circulatory system.
4. Thymus a gland located beneath the breast bone that helps establish the immune in juveniles
Spleen- filters out worn out red, white, blood cells and platelets- help clot your blood
Fact: when you have a cold or any other infection the lymph nodes in your neck or groin or under your arm may swell as lymphocytes fight germs called “swollen glands”
Integumentary system
Parts skin hair nails
Skin- serves as a barrier against infection and injury
Hair- provides protection from ultraviolet radiator (uv) sun.
Nail- protect end of fingers and toes
Cool fact -> skin is the largest organ in your body
- Drawing p.934 skin diagram, p.892
Excretory system – eliminates waste products from the body, in ways that maintain homeostasis
Parts: kidneys, urinary bladder, urethra, ureter, large intestine.
Kidney -> an organ that removes nitrogen waste from the blood.
Urinary bladder -> a hollow organ that stores your urine.
Ureter -> tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder.
Urethra- a tube that carries urine from your bladder.
Large intestine -> refer to digestive system definition
O O - kidney (lol diagram)
I I - ureter
O -Urinary bladder
I -urethra
Muscular system:
3 parts-> cardiac, skeletal, smooth muscle.
Skeletal muscles- works w/ skeletal system and produces voluntary movements are striated
Smooth- non striated muscles found in many internal organs like the stomach, intestine, and blood vessels.
Help circulate blood and move food through the digestive track
Involuntary- the move w/o you telling them.
cardiac- the muscle that makes up the heart: involuntary
cardio- heart
fact:- there are 640 skeletal muscles in your body
Nervous System- recognizes and coordinates the body’s response to changes.
3 parts => brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves
brain: acts as the control center for your body processes
spinal cord: nerves that extend down your backbone and transmits info to and from the brain.
Peripheral nerves: nerve cells that are not part of the brain or spinal cord.
receives signals from the limbs (arms and legs) and transmits info to the spinal cord.
CNS = central nervous system
Fact: N/A
drawing p. 892
Parts- bone, tendons, ligaments, cartilage.
Bones- job to support the body and protect internal organs, provide a site for blood cell formation
hard and inflexible material
Cartilage- stronger flexible material
Ligament- though fibers tissue joining bones @ a joint
Job- allow movement
Tendons- strong fiber tissue attaching muscles to bone
Fact- you actually grow as much as one inch a night, the bones in the pine move apart.
Random information
Erythrocyte- aka RBC- carries O2 to tissues
Leukocyte- aka WBC lack hemoglobin and are used to fight foreign objects in your body.
Bronchitis: inflammation of the main air passage in the lungs – cough up mucus
Laryngitis- swelling and inflammation (irritation) of the voice look- usually associated w/hoarseness or loss of voice
Cardi- cardio- heart
Hyp- hypo- under, beneath, less than normal, hyper- above, excessive
4 pathogens of life something that harms your body
-protizoan- amibias k-
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The Resistance by the Muse when
Hey everyone! i have another 1984 related topic to discuss :) for those of you who are twi-hard fans or people who have enjoyed the movie twilight, do you remember the baseball scene?
The background soundtrack is playing supermassive black hole by Muse, a british pop band. one of their recent albums were inspired by George Orwell's 1984. Personally I found it really cool that a major band would be interested in a book like 1984, I'm going to take you step-by-step through the lyrics of their song, The Resistance, which was directly related to 1984.
" is your secret safe tonight? and are we out of sight? Or will our world come tumbling down?"
I think this stanza refers to the theme of redemption. The feeling that someone is chasing you down, and the constant need of a hiding place to seek refuge in.
"Love is our resistance they keep us apart and they won't stop breaking us down and told me, our lips must always be sealed." I think this refers to the theme of love that surrounds Winston and Julia, from the beginning of the relationship the only thing that was "against" big brother, was the fact that they were in love I'm having sexual interactions between each other. That further grew into the relationship that they have when they are fighting the party, love is the fuel to their train of freedom.
"Quell your prayers for love and peace, you'll wake the thought police, we can hide the truth inside."
This is directly taken from the book, the use of the thought police, as an overshadowing figure that watches your every move. It also tries to erase the feeling of love and peace and hope, almost as if this stanza it about surrendering.
"the night has reached its end, we can't pretend, we must run we must run, it's time to run."
This is the climax of the song as well as the book, because of the need to escape from the party and big brother.
Overall this song is very dark and pessimistic, almost like the mood in the novel 1984 by George Orwell.
Check out the video clip of the song, and the YouTube link. Personally I really enjoyed the beginning of the song, it reminds me of the song magnificent by U2. Enjoy!
Monday, April 12, 2010
For those of you that have read the novel "1984" by George Orwell, will have encountered the motto: War Is Peace.
i have decided (forcefully :p) to Breakdown this Motto and see how many levels it can apply to :D
Theres is of course the classic excuse that in order to have peace, there must be war. This applies to the Motto in the sense that in a state of conflict two partied battle in a war in order to keep there own "peace."
My personal belief is that no matter what you do, you can't satisfy everyone. so i believe that your peace is somebody else's war, its the universal law of duality, in order for someone to win and prosper, someone else must fall and crumble. Its a matter of physics and balance.
People can ask why is there even a "darker" side to everything, why must there be a good and bad, heroes vs. villains etc.
if you think about it, you will notice that if everything in the world was good, we would not know it was good, because we would have nothing to compare it to, for example if everyone in the world donated 1000 $ a year to charities, it would be a normal thing to do so, even though in actuality doing something like that deserves some praise at least. let's say nobody in the world donated ever, and one day a man or woman donates 5000$ to charity, everyone will be shocked to the extent that they feel bad about being on the selfish side, they will sub-cauntiously hate the "good" person. this is a big and twisted way that something like peace or the "addition" of peace can result in war, which will eventually stabilize everyone into a "new" peace.
In the end of the day war and peace are the same thing, people strive for a new goal that doesn't agree with another group of people, in order to find a "common" ground these people will have a war, to achieve peace. this peace then becomes a new war to another group of people who have there own goals to achieve.
War and Peace are mere illusions that are conjured by the uplifting morale of the people and their leaders, a pseudo feeling that blooms from the inside of every goal seeking heart.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010 Law suit
if you are one of the million P2P users out there, then you will have probably heard of it is a website that contains many legitimate sources of Torrents, from anything like software to movies. In other terms it is known as piracy.
I personally don't believe that downloading torrents illegal, because somebody had to buy the original product in the first place as well as the fact that people only share it.
Recently, the Movie Corporation of America is working hard to try and sue, iso-hunt is fighting back by claiming that they are merely sharing what they already own, and we are saying that companies do not have their rights to control what we share. It is not reasonable for a company to want to own a product after it's been sold. It is not like we are stealing their brand-name, if anything you would be promoting and advertising them.
I think this is important information because, let's face it, a lot of people download torrents and those torrents have become a form of media on their own, it is already too big a fad to be controlled by companies, there are way too many torrent sites as well as ways of sharing information. So there is no real way they can stop us, and if you can't beat them, join them.
Personally I believe once a media form has begun it cannot be destroyed, it can only be obsolete so they can only pray that in the future there'll be something that will trump torrents.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Media's Affect on Relationships

Everyone gets caught up in romance movies, but sadly the events that occur in these movies and rehearsed and practiced countless times, and there is a very unlikely chance that they would ever occur in real life. People believe that their relationships can be more like the movies by listening to what magazines and articles about relationships tell them.
Relationships are what you make of them, everyone chooses how much effort they want to put into a relationship.
The typical things they like to comment about are:
- examining likes and dislikes
- examining the chemistry between you and your partner
- the trust issues
- the problems with your partner
- pet peeves
- etc.
Sometimes they point out normal qualities and make you believe that they are negative or horrible to the extent that you dislike your partner, which i believe is a very stupid thing to do.
In the article that i read, which is one of many in the sections on yahoo's article pages, they have 5 "dating tips" you can use, these dating tips involve ignoring certain factors about your partner, ones that woman or men "read too much into." It's ironic because i see it as a the medias way of fixing a problem that they started, because many women and men are too picky today, and very obsessed about how they would like their partners to be, so this is their way of saying its okay if they don't like your music, its okay if they are not as stylish as you want them to be etc.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
MTV Change logo!!

For as long as MTV has been running they would always conform to the new social styles and fads, but regardless there is one thing they never changed, until now. their logo.
it is a big deal and worthy enough information to be on the yahoo news page!
according to Tina Exhoros, a spokesperson for MTV's marketing team:
"If you watch the channel, you've seen that it's definitely going in a new direction. We really wanted to see the logo featured in a new way, and this was really meant to be able to house all the great things that are happening at MTV at any given time."This seems to be a half-truth of what is really going on, the truth of the matter is that MTV dropped the famous "music television" from the logo, if it wasn't significant, i believe, then it would not have been done at all. This only reminds me of "the Merchants of Cool" and how they are admitting to the fact that they no longer care about the music like they used to, and its about the TV shows and chasing the teens of today for their attention and money.
Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. And guess what... in today's world, MONEY IS POWER!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
APPLE IPAD- and the Geniuses at Apple

i'm sure most of you hear of the new upcoming iPad, this genius contraption is the brainchild of tablet computers and the ipod touch.i phone. it is a 9,7 inch black and silver beauty.
im not going to just provide you the news, because i'm sure you have heard of this somewhere, i would like to bring attention to the genius use of media skills and advertisement that apple are implementing in order to sell this product. first of all when i first saw this product my mind was thinking up a list of cons, and fascinatingly enough apple have used those cons as a method of selling the iPad. when i noticed this it made me laugh because of how clever it was.
first of all let me state that this product is a marvelous piece of machinery and technology and i would definitely recommend it, however here are the cons i thought of:
- It was like an ipod touch or iphone but bigger, in that it had the same applications, it was simple to use and it resembled them in style.
- it was no where near as professional as a macbook or a macbook pro
- it was portable which leads me to think why one should just use an ipod instead
now watch how these seemingly significant cons turn into a clever marketing strategy:
- it will be very comfortable for new users as well as professional users and will be easy to use for people of all ages.
- THE STARTING PRICE IS 499$ the man in the video promoting this product said: "normally products start at a high price and work their way down the price scale, in this case we are starting at the bottom, we want EVERYONE to have an iPad" this is genius because people of all ages will want to own the new iPad and it will be cheap enough for everyone to own, and in the end iPad will be carried everywhere with their little apples therefore creating mass advertisement all over the world. this will open up for people to buy more mac products like the much more expensive MacBook Pro ;)
- almost everyone has owned or used an ipod touch/ iphone before therefore the fact that it is as simple to handle as an ipod removes the fear that everyone had, surrounding macs and their "intricacy" it also has a similar interface.
This is the best strategy i think i have ever seen implemented on a product before, then again not any company could pull this off, macintosh is known for having a series of excellent designs and products therefore they can create risky plans that will have better odds than most.
all in all i think this is an amazing product and one that truly deserves recognition
here is the link to apples website
since i was stating some cons its only fair that i state some pros:
- best way to surf the web
- experience a care-free interface for reading and writing
- touch keyboard
- best way to share photos with friends and family
- best way to view movies portably
- battery life up to 10 hours active, 1 month inactive
- most advanced touch interface on the planet
- thin and lightweight
- environmentally friendly
- WiFi + 3G *diff models @ diff prices
- all the apps and games on your ipod touch go straight to the iPad
- built in speaker
- has many accessories
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Virgin Megastore? more like Virgin Mega Machines

i have seen countless videos of animations and test flights as well as design schemes of the Virgin GALACTIC space planes. i find this very interesting because Richard Branson CEO of Virgin Enterprises, has a dream of space travel and he seems to be the only one with money that is trying to push the limits of reality in the average human's life. This made me feel very happy because of my life-long childhood dream of going into SPACE one day. I hope that by the time i feel its right to do it, that it will be :p (see the bottom for links to videos of VIRGIN GALACTIC)
Virgin Galactic has been out in the public for quite some time, but the real treasure that i have uncovered lies with the amazing undercover project Virgin has been planning all along. Starting February 20th 2010 Staying at the Virgin Private Islands, which are owned by the billionaire chairman, will give you an opportunity to ride their new UNDERWATER PLANES, i personally think that Branson is really looking to create a new world, for the people to come. these underwater planes take passengers deep into the Caribbean.
After all who said people wouldn't pay the BIG BUCKS to experience their very dreams in reality. (see the bottom for an image of the Underwater Plane)

Monday, February 1, 2010
"Brooks Was Here" score by Thomas Newman from the Shawshank Redemption OST analysis

Not only does it keep me calm, it puts me in a state of observance and intuitiveness, i feel more aware of my surroundings and the little details in the world. For some reason this track has the ability to slow my mind down, maybe this applies to others as well, it gives me a sense of slow motion, a way to drown out reality and be alone with my thoughts. This always makes me wonder wether different type of notes or the amount of vibrations a sound makes are recognized by our minds as different moods, this can be trained taste.
hit the video link below to hear this track, tell me how it makes you feel.
image from*
shawshank redemption,
Welcome to my Media Investigation and Analysis blog, in this blog i will be analyzing various sources of "THE MEDIA" throughout a couple of weeks. these subjects will most likely be of some interest to me, then again they might not be so i hope you enjoy your stay!
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