i have seen countless videos of animations and test flights as well as design schemes of the Virgin GALACTIC space planes. i find this very interesting because Richard Branson CEO of Virgin Enterprises, has a dream of space travel and he seems to be the only one with money that is trying to push the limits of reality in the average human's life. This made me feel very happy because of my life-long childhood dream of going into SPACE one day. I hope that by the time i feel its right to do it, that it will be fairly...cheap :p (see the bottom for links to videos of VIRGIN GALACTIC)
Virgin Galactic has been out in the public for quite some time, but the real treasure that i have uncovered lies with the amazing undercover project Virgin has been planning all along. Starting February 20th 2010 Staying at the Virgin Private Islands, which are owned by the billionaire chairman, will give you an opportunity to ride their new UNDERWATER PLANES, i personally think that Branson is really looking to create a new world, for the people to come. these underwater planes take passengers deep into the Caribbean.
After all who said people wouldn't pay the BIG BUCKS to experience their very dreams in reality. (see the bottom for an image of the Underwater Plane)