Everyone gets caught up in romance movies, but sadly the events that occur in these movies and rehearsed and practiced countless times, and there is a very unlikely chance that they would ever occur in real life. People believe that their relationships can be more like the movies by listening to what magazines and articles about relationships tell them.
Relationships are what you make of them, everyone chooses how much effort they want to put into a relationship.
The typical things they like to comment about are:
- examining likes and dislikes
- examining the chemistry between you and your partner
- the trust issues
- the problems with your partner
- pet peeves
- etc.
Sometimes they point out normal qualities and make you believe that they are negative or horrible to the extent that you dislike your partner, which i believe is a very stupid thing to do.
In the article that i read, which is one of many in the sections on yahoo's article pages, they have 5 "dating tips" you can use, these dating tips involve ignoring certain factors about your partner, ones that woman or men "read too much into." It's ironic because i see it as a the medias way of fixing a problem that they started, because many women and men are too picky today, and very obsessed about how they would like their partners to be, so this is their way of saying its okay if they don't like your music, its okay if they are not as stylish as you want them to be etc.
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